Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Post 160--Tomorrow--Wonderful and Scary Technology and Life

A friend forwarded the document below to me. This could be the world of your children and, more certain, of your grandchildren.  I am not sure whether I'm happy I will be gone before most of this materializes. On the one hand, exciting; on the other, scary.  If anything near to this comes true, the entire world will go topsy-turvy, with nothing, absolutely nothing, remaining the same.

Well, not quite true. God will still be there in all His splendour and glory AND, most important of all, with His love and compassion for this world.  Way in the early beginning, He gave us the job to develop this world. It took and while, but now we've gone so far with all that, that most of us wonder what's ahead. We seem to be on a treadmill without a turn-off button.  We're outsmarting ourselves.

Maybe, just maybe, that's what that ancient tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Bible book of Genesis comes in. It may have been telling us that there are somethings we should not know, for they will devour us.  We could be close....

But thanks for Lou Haveman, a friend from Grand Rapids MI, for sharing this document with all of us.  Here goes:

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