Throughout this blog, I have talked about the creeping restrictions on expressions of the Christian faith in Canada. While freedom of WORSHIP has not been curtailed, though that cannot be far behind, freedom of RELIGION is another matter. Freedom of worship, if very narrowly defined, takes place in Church, but freedom of religion takes place throughout our culture, in both private and public places--in the market place as it has come to be called. It is this religion thing that is under fire.
It mostly happens under the radar, for the mainline media do not concern themselves with it. So it happens with very few people noticing. As a result when someone does notice and makes it public, she will be sidelined as a "r
adical" who does not deserve our attention and is berated even by such respected journalists as Andrew Coyne, whom, I hasten to say, I enjoy reading--without always agreeing.
It is not always brave individuals like Ezra Levant who monitor such situations; some church organizations do as well, among them the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) and non-church Christian organizations like the Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA). You've met both of these organizations in this blog and no doubt will again.
Today's report comes from Levant. It's heading reads:
The Cornerstone Christian Academy in Alberta is exactly what it says it
is — a Christian school. Just like Alberta has Jewish schools and Muslim
schools too.
But the head of the government school board that oversees Cornerstone, a
woman named Lauri Skori, has literally ordered the school to stop
teaching passages in the Bible that she personally disagrees with.
I know this sounds crazy. But it’s true. For example, Skori has
ordered the school to stop teaching a line from 1 Corinthians, because
she finds it “offensive":

It’s shocking, but it’s not surprising. Christianity has been driven out
of the public square everywhere in Canada. But surely this is a new low —
Christianity is actually being banned in a Christian school.
Government bureaucrats would never dream of telling Muslim schools
they couldn’t teach passages from the Koran — even ones that
call for the murder of infidels and apostates. But banning the
Bible is now official school board policy.
And, not surprisingly, the media and the political class are silent.
Even supposedly Christian or conservative politicians are keeping their
heads down — they don’t want to be attacked by the leftist mob at the
Well, we’ve found one honest man — John Carpay, from the Justice Centre
for Constitutional Freedoms. He’s agreed to take the case of Cornerstone
Christian Academy. He’s written a scorching 8-page legal letter to the
school board pointing out how what they’re doing is illegal — it’s
unconstitutional. You can read that letter here.
But they seem to be digging in their heels.
And why not? No-one is coming to the aid of the school.
Well, that’s where you and I come in. As you can see in my
interview with John (at the end of the video here), I’ve promised to help him raise up
to $5,000 to help pay for his team of three lawyers to fight for the
school’s freedom of religion, against government censors. I’ve agreed to
chip in the first $50 myself.
If you agree that this case is outrageous, please join with me in helping
to chip in to John’s legal defence fund, by clicking here.
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