We keep reading in and hearing from the media about foreign financial interference in Canadian elections, whether national or provincial. Of course, the idea of foreign money influencing elections is nothing new. We keep hearing of Russian interference in US elections, which the US condemns in no uncertain terms, whether true or not. Why the US should object so much puzzles me, for the US is a master player of foreign interference, whether financial or otherwise. They've gone much further than financial interference; they have murdered and killed. And it should not really puzzle me, for that's the way superpowers retain their power; interference is their common currency. What's good for the gander is not always considered good for the goose, at least not as far as the mighty are concerned.
Today I share a document from Linda Frum, a Canadian senator from Ontario, who has introduced a bill aimed at stopping interference in Canadian politics from left wing quarters, especially the Tides Foundation, who is said to be "notoriously anti-Canadian oil" and has waged various campaigns along that line. All you need to do is check website titles about Tides Canada. It's all pretty straight forward leftist and it's massive.
I, for one, am neither right nor left nor in between, but Christian. That means different. Sometimes I support what are considered left causes; at other times, right and sometimes middle. Often I curse the whole lot. Well, "curse" is a strong word. I do not really curse anyone, except those cursed by Jesus Himself. But I do resent foreigners interfering in my country's politics, especially if their support pits one political group against another. We Canadians must solve our own problems in our own way.
So, please take the time to read Frum's article and do what you can to stop such foreign interference. Of course, a lot of oil money is used to influence our politics as well, but in a different direction, and much of that is as foreign as that of Tides', authorized as that also is by foreign headquarters. I would prefer both to be stopped, not just Tides', not just leftist. I consider neither progressive. They all push one-sided causes on us.
So, support Frum's and once her bill has made it, start pushing against the right as well. The plague on both of them. Oops! Okay, that's not quite as serious as a curse!
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